Warenkorb (0)
Warenkorb ist leer
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0,00 €
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0,00 €
Im Preis inbegriffen sind Rabatte
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Warenkorb (0)Warenkorb ist leerGratis Lieferung fehlen -,--Kostenlose Lieferung!summe Netto 0,00 €summe Brutto 0,00 €Im Preis inbegriffen sind Rabatte
Section 5 PAYMENTS
- Subject to paragraph 2, the following means of payment are available at the Shop:
- a regular transfer to the Seller’s bank account; (mBank) 42 1140 2004 0000 3902 8064 8199
- payment card:
- Visa
- Visa Electron
- MasterCard
- MasterCard Electronic
- Maestro
- payment platform:
- PayNow (mBank)
- on delivery, i.e. by cash upon delivering the goods to the Buyer;
- by cash at the time of personal collection.
- Additional information about the means of payment can be found at the relevant tab at the Shop, including information about the possibility of using specific means depending on the Buyer’s country.
- In case the Buyer chooses to pay for the order in advance, the payment should be made within 5 Business days from the date of concluding the contract.
- The Seller declares that in the case of payment methods in which the field for entering the data necessary for processing the payment appears immediately after placing the order, payment is possible only immediately after placing the order.
- By making a purchase at the Shop, the Buyer accepts the use of electronic invoices by the Seller. The Buyer has the right to withdraw his/her consent.